Friday, December 21, 2007

ding dong merrily

It's Christmas. And I am happy.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Phone me in the head, why don't you

There's a band called The Spoonbenders based in Buenos Aires, as it happens. You really should listen to them. ALRIGHT, I admit, I am not entirely subjective. But still. They sing in English with the best lyrics I have ever heard. These lyrics are mainly written by the lead singer, whose marvelous use of English has long gobsmackered me. Born in Spain, and then carted about continents for years before settling in Argentina, he has a way of molding a language to suit his purpose that produces sometimes comical ("I just felt tenderised," he said in one sweet exchange, while in another claimed he'd been "hornified" by something unrepeatable on this blog) but always appealing results. Then I heard his wonderful tunes, with lyrics such as: "As I fall to sleep, something travels with my mind," and my favourite "I'll phone you in the head..." Readers, I am phoning you in the head. Go listen to The Spoonbenders at: