Thursday, March 22, 2007

Tirty Tree

Go on then, all ye non-Irish who have spent years slagging me over the 'th' business. At long last, I'm turning TIRTY TREE today, providing you with a full year's entertainment. Oh yes, every time I mention my age, you will all collapse in hysterics. Just wait until June, when I turn TIRTY TREE AND A TURD! Ah, the good times we'll have.


Aoife said...

Happy Birthday Fionat

Queenshiv said...

Happy happy sistah mine! xoxo

andre said...

Happy Birthday


[I am half-Irish]


Miss Tickle said...

Happy birthday loveliest!

fiona said...

sisters - thanks! so many birthdays, and I'm still in the middle. sheesh.

andre - am blushing a lot. can't believe you're here and all. I blame my entirely Irish complexion. but thank you for the kind wishes and for stopping by. phew. now I have to go sit down. more.

miss tickle - you are sweet! thank you. I have finally reached the age of ladihood. hurray!

Queenshiv said...

BTW - posted a dead sexy Dirty Tree pic of ya!

Flirty Something said...

fiona, I have a sill idea, if you get a chance can you mail me please irishflirtysomething at

Annie said...

Eep, happy belated birthday fellow March person.

Anonymous said...

happy tirty tree!

fiona said...

tank you, annie and edvard.