Thursday, May 10, 2007

Progress? Pah!

Sometimes I come over all poetic-like and enter posts like that previous one, which, on re-reading, makes me want to womit a little. Even though it was meant in the best possible way, I could have just said something along the lines of: "My very good friend is coming to see me in a week. I haven't seen him in three years. I hope he got rid of that anorak."

Last night, full of such melancholy sentiment, I sent a mail to a certain gentleman - he of napkin fame - positively dripping with overwritten pathos. This morning I have no idea what mad woman got into my email and sent such overwrought balderdash out under my name. This is why I should NEVER write at night. There's something about 3 a.m. and wi-fi and a glass or two of vino (veritas indeed) that allows me to act immediately on such powerfully-felt emotion in a way that snail mail - ah, the days of several kindly hurdles to be jumped before a letter could even set off for a destination - would have prevented. If only I'd woken up this morning and found a scrawled epistle by my bed! I could have shredded it, laughed at it, maybe even filed it, but certainly not put it in an envelope and posted the shaggin' thing.

Alas, I have no way of inserting my hand into a street-corner postbox and retracting the offending document. Why? Because it's already In His Inbox. Marvelous. What kind of ludicrous system is that? And they say technology has improved our lives!


Queenshiv said...

Great post Fo! LOVE it! That sense of humour is what makes you the fabulous woman you are!

Ariel said...

There's something quite liberating about the spontaneity afforded by the internet, even though we might be red-faced the next day! I think it has made people less uptight in general, which can only be a good thing, pathos and all.

MommyHeadache said...

Oh, I've been there. Someone should design some technological gizmo that senses alcohol on the writer's breath and then automatically does not send off any email written under the influence, thereby allowing the person to reread it in the morning and say, "Thank God I never sent that!" Until then we will continue to make fools of ourselves, for better or for worse!

Herr Bandy [baendii] said...

Anoraks are overrated anyway. But the rest is not. Without those late eMails and phone calls underlined with some substance, my life would be less funny and interesting, and less confused. Probably I like it that way. Reading your post during a meeting with loads of dry people made my day. Merci.

fiona said...

shiv - thank you so much! hope my little nephiece is doing well.

ariel - thanks for stopping by and you know what, you're right. it is kind of liberating, if slightly dangerous in hands such as mine.

emmak - I think you're on to something with that gizmo idea.

bandy - funny, interesting and confused. I guess I must like it that way too. and I don't mind anoraks at all.